
Yerli Otomobilde Çin İzleri mi Var?

TÜBiTAK'ın organizasyonunda gelişen yerli otomobil projesi dış basında da yer alıyor.İngilizce kaynaklarda konuyla ilgili haberlerde DongFeng Motors / DFM nin de adı ilgi çekiyor!''Together with the new shareholders Tianjin and SRIT, the partner Teamsun as well as the cooperation with Dongfeng Motor, the cooperation with TÜBITAK is an important step in building up Nevs as a strong automotive company with industrial, technological and financial partnerships.''

Saab AB aslında İsveç Havacılık Şirketi'nin kısaltmasından oluşan bir firma adı;
Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget (Swedish for "Swedish Aeroplane Corporation); Svenska Aero AB (SAAB).

Saab, Yerli Otomobil, Cadillac, TÜBiTAK, internette en çok aranan kelimelerden bazıları..

Yerli otomobil konusundaki gelişmelerin merkezinde SAAB markası yer alıyor..

1945 te kurulan marka; 1968 yıılına kadar Saab AB, sonrasında dizel motor ve ticari araç imal eden Scania Vabis ile birleşerek SAAB-Scania adını alır.1990 yılında otomobil bölümü Amerikanın ve dünyanın en büyük markalar topluluğu General Motors Corp. tarafından alınarak Saab Automobile olarak yoluna devam ederken 2010'da Spyker NV, 2012'de de NEVS firması kayıtlarına geçiyor.

Son sahibi NEVS ; National Electric Vehicle Sweden yani İsveç Milli Elektrikli Taşıt Firması gibi bir anlama geliyor. Fabrika ve çalışanların çoğu İsveç'te ve İsveçli ama firmanın çoğunluğu Çin'de!

En büyük ortak National Modern Energy Holdings Ltd. (NME Holdings Ltd.) diğer ortaklar ise

Tianjin Binhai Hi-tech Industrial Development Area, (THT),

State Research Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SRIT) ve

Qingdao Qingbo Investment Co Ltd.

2015 Ağustos ayı içinde NEVS ile Peugeot-Citroen'in % 14 hisslerine sahip, Renault, Nissan, Honda ve KiA ile ortak otomobil üreten Çin'in ikinci büyük firması DongFeng Motors ile stratejik ve uzun vadeli bir anlaşma yapılıyor. Bu durumda NEVS ile TÜBİTAK'ın imzaladığı anlaşmada dolaylı olsada olmasa da DongFeng'te var! Yazının başındaki İngilizce paragraf zaten bunu doğruluyor.

Buna rağmen yerli otomobili; en yüksek yerlilik oranı, en az maliyetle, en kaliteli ve en güzel haliyle bekliyoruz..Fakat Yerli DMA otomobilinin yanında şimdilik sönük kalıyor!

Friday, October 16, 2015
NEVS has been chosen by TÜBITAK as its partner for developing a Turkish National Car

TÜBITAK, (the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) which has been assigned to develop “Turkish National Car” and realize this important mission, has chosen National Electric Vehicle Sweden AB, Nevs, as the industrial partner for the project.

The cooperation has started in June 2015 between Nevs and TÜBITAK and future industrial synergies in terms of development and manufacturing shall be generated with this cooperation. In the short term perspective this cooperation shall put Nevs’ assets to work and shall give Turkey quick access to extensive automotive knowledge and experience.

Nevs shall also provide its know-how in the developing of the business plan and establishing of the supply and distribution chains to TÜBITAK.

Together with the new shareholders Tianjin and SRIT, the partner Teamsun as well as the cooperation with Dongfeng Motor, the cooperation with TÜBITAK is an important step in building up Nevs as a strong automotive company with industrial, technological and financial partnerships.

“I am very proud to have this strategic cooperation in place. Turkey will be a long-term partner and we will both gain a lot from this cooperation. With Turkey’s focus on electric vehicles we also see this as an important step towards our vision of shaping mobility for a more sustainable future”, said Mattias Bergman, President of Nevs.

Facts about TÜBITAK

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TÜBITAK, is the leading agency for management, funding and conduct of research in Turkey. TÜBITAK was established in 1963 with a mission to advance science and technology, conduct research and support Turkish researchers.

TÜBITAK is an autonomous institution and is governed by a scientific board whose members are selected from prominent scholars from universities, industry and research institutions. TÜBITAK is responsible for promoting, developing, organizing, conducting and coordinating research and development in line with national targets and priorities. Further, TÜBITAK is one of the key institutions involved in the Turkish national car project.

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